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YMCAs: Why Should You Sign Up for ySocial?

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

What is ySocial? ySocial is Thrive's Newest YMCA Solution. We understand that YMCAs are busy in their day to day routines, their main concern is their members and providing them with the best possible experience. Here at Thrive, we wanted to provide YMCAs with a variety of content choices to post on their Facebook pages. 

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12 Ways To Gain More Followers on Instagram

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

Struggling to gain more Instagram followers? Like most social platforms there is a "time frame and best day" to post. Yes, there is research proving that certain days and times are best for postings, but there are plenty of people at other times that aren't considered ideal that might be better followers to gain than other times.

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Creative Ways to Use Vine

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

Vine has really taken off in the social media world. With only 6 seconds of video to work with, brands are coming up with creative ways to use that time to get their messages out. Some are making them funny, some are informative and some are just meant for contests. 

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5 Types of Facebook Fans

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

Did you know there are different types of Facebook fans? The same message can't always be targeted correctly to all the fans or members of your audience like you want it to. 

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2013 Facebook Changes To Know About

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

Facebook has been busy this year with all the changes they have made to the News Feed, timelines, personal profiles, business and interest pages, Graph Search and verified profiles. Despite Facebook wanting to keep us constantly on our toes….a learning curve comes with each change. Learn all the changes that have happened in 2013 and how they affect you and your Facebook presence.

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Remarkable Speakers - Who To Look For

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

At Inbound 13 we saw several great speakers that made points about Inbound Marketing that many companies should start adopting. We want to add some of those people to our "Remarkable Speakers" list to watch for. 

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Social Media As The New Media News Source?

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

Has social media become the new media news source? Think about it. We see and look through thousands upon hundreds of thousands of statuses and tweets a day (depending on how

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Hashtags Now On Facebook

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

How are you using them? Do you like that Facebook has included hashtags? For a long time, some Facebook users have avoided including hashtags on Facebook because they did not want to combine the features of Twitter and Facebook - they were used separately on each platform and were not integrated - so what was the point? Facebook has now taken on hashtags, so all the rebels who used hashtags before are now able to do so and they can be searchable. 

Since the recent launch of Facebook's newest feature, the Graph Search, Facebook hashtags have taken on a life of their own. Graph Search brings you results based on the social graphs of your Facebook friends and followers. What does this mean? When searching, you will see the search results relating to your friends and businesses you are closely associated with. 

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Instagram vs. Vine - War Of The Video App?

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

Since Instagram has announced their release of the video feature - what does this mean for Twitter's app, Vine? Some people have even tweeted about the "dying" app now that Instagram has announced their newest addition. 

In good social fashion, Instagram released their latest feature to their already booming social platform. Like any great social media response - people jumped right on the video bandwagon. People immediately started posting on Twitter about their intentions to use the new video feature and that they will no longer be using their Vine app. Too soon? Maybe people have said the same thing about previous social platforms that may or may not have done well - but are still in use today. 

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What are the best apps for content marketers?

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

Have you ever had an idea come to you while you're out and about, but you have nowhere to write it down and you think somehow you will remember it in a few hours once you have paper and a pen? If you have a smartphone or tablet that you carry with you at all times, we might have a few options that will help you remember those ideas.

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