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Does Advertising Work? Yes, But Only Once

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 03/14/2017

Does advertising work?

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Selling the Invisible

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 12/5/2016

Selling the Invisible is a brilliant book by Harry Beckwith.

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Good News! Your Business Only Has Three Types of Customers

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 02/16/2016

Good news. Your business (indeed all businesses) only has three types of customers.

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The Law of Familiarity Part Three

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 02/2/2016

Earlier we learned that The Law of Familiarity means that people have to be familiar with your business (brand) before they are inclined to do business with you.

We also learned that the Law of Familiarity works best when your business (brand) is seen as the safe choice. "McDonalds versus Bar 145". And it works best when given time to work. Remember the CD you bought for a single song.

The last lesson teaches us that the Law of Familiarity leads to action

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The Law of Familiarity - Part Two

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 01/26/2016

In the previous post, we reviewed how The Law of Familiarity means you want to be positioned as the safe choice.

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How Can My YMCA Best Use TV & Radio?

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 11/26/2015

TV & Radio Triggers Digital Research

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Digital Marketing - The Advertising Message

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 11/26/2015

In a previous article I talked about how frequency is more important than reach.  The Law of Familiarity tells us that it is important to make your brand familiar to the consumer.  The more familiar the brand is, the more likely the consumer will do business with you.

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Digital Advertising, The Magic Wand

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 11/26/2015

Digital Advertising, The Magic Wand

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Ad Preferences On Facebook

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015


How do you feel about ads served to you on Facebook?

Facebook is using the apps you have on your Android or iPhone and websites you view to show you relevant ads according to your preferences and interests. Creepy or genius? Have you noticed that when you view something on a website, contemplate the purchase and move from that site to another - and suddenly that purchase you almost made is in an ad on Facebook? This happens in the Google Display Network as well, but Facebook has taken on the same approach.

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What Google Ads Work Best For Your Business?

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

New Additions To Google Ads

Google Adwords provides several different kinds of ads. With the internet ever changing and the way in which businesses reach their target audiences, we as marketers need to change the way we promote products and services. Google has started to push those different methods into their AdWords accounts. 

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