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Looking for a Better Way to Build Landing Pages?

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 07/1/2019
Increase Conversions. Increase Revenue.
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Remarkable Speakers - Who To Look For

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

At Inbound 13 we saw several great speakers that made points about Inbound Marketing that many companies should start adopting. We want to add some of those people to our "Remarkable Speakers" list to watch for. 

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Hubspot's Inbound 2012 - repurpose your content

Posted by: Ian Hartten - 11/26/2015

Several members of our team here at Thrive attended Hubspot's Inbound 2012 conference in Boston at the end of August. After attending one session in particular, it occured to us - we have great content but if it doesn't work in one format then we need to change it. Maggie Georgieva held a session all about whitepapers, ebooks and how to repurpose "old" content to make it fresh and new. She said content that has already been published can be used again when you redesign the way in which it is delivered. For instance, if you have written a whitepaper and created a landing page form but saw little interaction - you can tweek the content to hit a new audience. 

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In Customer Service, Good is Not "Good" Enough

Posted by: James Harsh - 11/26/2015

I recently was emailing with one of our first YMCA clients, Lake County YMCA.  We have formed a great bond with their entire marketing team and have been able to learn a lot about their needs and wants with their YMCA website over the past year.

Fortunately, we have experienced mild success and growth in this vertical market.  This growth has caused us to re-evaluate our current process; sales, implementation, follow-up and communication to our most valuable asset, our YMCA customer.  I prefer to use words like partner or teammate but for now we will use customer.

This next line is copied and pasted from my email referencing our current Customer Service:

It's currently good, but good isn't "good" enough for us!

This should be your motto with Customer Service and, quite frankly every aspect of your business.  Let’s face it, many people and companies are good at what they do.  But, how many are great?  Great can be hard to quantify but for me, it revolves around effort and interest.

Are you really concerned about your client?  Do you care whether the client received the product or service they were expecting?  Are you on to the next sale and not “servicing the customer” on your previous sale?  Gary Vaynerchuk, aka @garyvee,  mentioned at Hubspot’s Inbound 2012 conference that Client Retention is the name of the game.  And, in order to maintain your client, exceptional and unexpected Customer Service is mandatory!

Do you take an interest in their business but more importantly their life.  I like to form friendships with my business associates.  You don’t have to be intrusive, just let it happen naturally.  Do they like football, do they have kids, do you share interests?  Before you know it, you will have a much deeper bond with your client and may become Facebook friends!  

I believe the phrase “good is not good enough” should apply to many facets of your life.  For your business to succeed in this social, ever-changing environment, you and your business must stand out from the rest.  Your Customer Service is the heartbeat of your success and you should wake up every morning thinking “Good is Not Good Enough!" 

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Why A Great Website Is Essential To Your Brand

Posted by: Ian Hartten - 11/26/2015
Your website is the first impression that a consumer will get of you and your company. It is the foundation of your marketing strategy - where all your customers go to learn more about your brand. You want them to like you right? Then you need a great website that reflects your brand. Now how are you going to do this? Make a checklist of all the important aspects of your brand, for example:
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Q&A With Thrive

Posted by: Ian Hartten - 11/26/2015
Every week I receive several emails from clients with great business questions. I will compile a few questions and post them each week, hopefully answering some of your questions as well.

Client Question:

Any special tips for improving Yelp reviews? I have a client who has great reviews on other sites but not on Yelp. Any suggestions? We are working to improve our inbound marketing.

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