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Want More Engagement On Your Facebook Page?

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

Keeping a constant stream of enegagement on your Facebook page can be a painful process and very frustrating. Don't just post content in hopes that someone will comment or start a dialog for you. Don't be the boring brand with the boring Facebook pages. Here are 10 things you could be doing to encourage more interaction on your page while still informing your customers. 

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Twitter Profile Changes

Posted by: Ian Hartten - 11/26/2015

Have you noticed the big change on Twitter lately? Twitter now has a new header - you can create a "cover photo" in addition to your profile photo. The similarity between Facebook and Twitter now is that the header and cover photo are like mini billboards within social media. Brands can use the header to showcase a larger image rather than just their logo as their profile picture. 

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