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Creative Ways to Use Vine

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

Vine has really taken off in the social media world. With only 6 seconds of video to work with, brands are coming up with creative ways to use that time to get their messages out. Some are making them funny, some are informative and some are just meant for contests. 

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Social Media As The New Media News Source?

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

Has social media become the new media news source? Think about it. We see and look through thousands upon hundreds of thousands of statuses and tweets a day (depending on how

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Social Media Changing the Face of Marketing

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

Traditional marketing just doesn't cut it anymore. Today's media is filled with Facebook, Twitter, Vine, Instagram, YouTube and the list goes on. Social media has become a playing field for witty comments, strategic ways to pull in customers without really "reeling them in" with salesy statuses, and promos etc. 

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Instagram vs. Vine - War Of The Video App?

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

Since Instagram has announced their release of the video feature - what does this mean for Twitter's app, Vine? Some people have even tweeted about the "dying" app now that Instagram has announced their newest addition. 

In good social fashion, Instagram released their latest feature to their already booming social platform. Like any great social media response - people jumped right on the video bandwagon. People immediately started posting on Twitter about their intentions to use the new video feature and that they will no longer be using their Vine app. Too soon? Maybe people have said the same thing about previous social platforms that may or may not have done well - but are still in use today. 

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Visual Campaigns - Are You Using Them?

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

When it comes to social media and contests - they BLOW UP. What do I mean by this? Log on to Facebook and search around for a little while. You are bound to find a few contests on some of your favorite brands' pages. The best way to get the news out about a contest online is to use social media. Facebook and Twitter are the main platforms to find contests on. With Twitter you can use a hashtag to track the submissions and Facebook you can use a specific page. 

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What is Vine?

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

Social media is a constantly growing platform. As soon as a new social app or site catches attention, it spreads like wildfire - the whole point of social media. The newest fad is Vine. What is Vine? Twitter launched the video-sharing app, Vine, designed to allow users to create a short film of 6 seconds. Each short video runs on a loop, functioning much like an Instagram feed, showing friends and their videos.

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