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Instagram vs. Vine - War Of The Video App?

Posted by Brittany Norton on Wed, Jul 10, 2013 @ 11:46 AM

Since Instagram has announced their release of the video feature - what does this mean for Twitter's app, Vine? Some people have even tweeted about the "dying" app now that Instagram has announced their newest addition. describe the image

In good social fashion, Instagram released their latest feature to their already booming social platform. Like any great social media response - people jumped right on the video bandwagon. People immediately started posting on Twitter about their intentions to use the new video feature and that they will no longer be using their Vine app. Too soon? Maybe people have said the same thing about previous social platforms that may or may not have done well - but are still in use today. 

When Facebook came out - MySpace was dropped by many people because of the new features, the ability to share, comment and do so much more with Facebook. Did MySpace die? No. It simply revamped and came back with new features, a focus on music and artists and (despite what many people think) still has a following and people who use their profiles. Is this another instance of MySpace/Facebook? 

When it comes to features for the video app....

Instagram's video allows 15 second videos with filters, ability to delete the last clip taken, and the ability to save to your camera roll. Instagram video has the ability to apply filters to video? (Twitter added filters to their photos when uploading on their Twitter app - anyone tried it?) 

Vine has a front facing camera, ability to save to your camera roll and……that's it. What is the up side of Vine? There is something to be said about the 6 second restriction. What can you make or get across to the Vine and Twitter world in 6 seconds? It is almost like a challenge that people want to take on. Who can come up with the best 6 second video - that creates a lot of creative submissions for contests.  

[Want to see more differences between Vine and Instagram? - Tech Crunch]

After Instagram's announcement of their video feature, #RIPVine started trending on Twitter. Here are some of the tweets with the hashtag #RIPVine:

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Andrew Hurley made a Vine about his final farewell for the app....see the whole video here: My Final Farewell Screen Shot 2013 07 10 at 4.06.10 PM

There was even a Twitter account made for the supposed downfall of Vine...VineStagram Probs

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Some are a little more optimistic about the lifespan of Vine:

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So where is the future of video sharing going? We started with YouTube, then Vine appeared and now Instagram video. The value of video sharing is still high - but do you think people's attention span will stay with a 15 second video compared to a 6 second one? It might be too early to tell...but we will be watching.... 


What are your thoughts on Instagram's release of video? Are the filters really necessary for sharing your video? Which app do you prefer for video? 

Topics: Vine, Thrive Internet Marketing, content, videos, Instagram


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