Of course my YMCA can be found. How hard can it be?
Of course my YMCA can be found. How hard can it be?
Marketing Myopia by Theodore Levitt, first published in 1960 is still a great read. I found it (again) in an addition of the Harvard Business Review's 10 Must Reads over lunch today.
Or How Shaun the Sheep Stimulated Consumer Behavior
Regardless of what you have read, “Mobilegeddon”, Google’s new search algorithm, is not going to put millions of companies out of business this week.
Information from GfK MRI’s Survey of the American Consumer continues to shed light on the behavior of the American consumer.
"The very best marketing comes from observing consumer behavior and insert your message into their behavior."
Or When Is the Best Time for The Ask...
"The very best marketing comes from observing consumer behavior and inserting your message into their behavior."
"Ok, grab a clean sheet of paper and let's write down everything we want in our new demo website."
3250 Levis Commons Blvd.
Perrysburg, OH 43551
(419) 776-7000