eMarketer.com is reporting that advertisers will spend more on mobile ads in 2015 than on desktop ads.
eMarketer.com is reporting that advertisers will spend more on mobile ads in 2015 than on desktop ads.
Or How Shaun the Sheep Stimulated Consumer Behavior
Like it or not, we are going mobile!
"People ask me all the time, "Does advertising work?" These are smart people, people who would never dream of asking an engineer, "Does engineering work?" or asking a doctor, "Does medicine work?" Josh Weltman - Seducing Strangers - How to Get People to Buy What You're Selling
Regardless of what you have read, “Mobilegeddon”, Google’s new search algorithm, is not going to put millions of companies out of business this week.
As April 21th looms on the horizon, many companies are racing to make their websites mobile friendly in advance of Google's well publicized change to how websites will be ranked in their search results.
Information from GfK MRI’s Survey of the American Consumer continues to shed light on the behavior of the American consumer.
In a previous article I talked about how frequency is more important than reach. The Law of Familiarity tells us that it is important to make your brand familiar to the consumer. The more familiar the brand is, the more likely the consumer will do business with you.
"The very best marketing comes from observing consumer behavior and inserting your message into their behavior."
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Perrysburg, OH 43551
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