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What is a Spam Trap?

Posted by: Gwen Betts - 11/26/2015

There are many pieces of the puzzle when managing an email subscriber list. Keeping the list squeaky clean is the best piece of advice any developer will give you, but we won’t drill down the specifics now. We often help clients maintain their lists, and we’ve even gone through pruning and cleaning a time or two. We’ve hit many walls and answered many questions, but one of the most frequent questions we’ve received is, “What is a Spam Trap email address?”

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Email Marketing Best Practices, Part 2

Posted by: Gwen Betts - 11/26/2015

Thrive has been partnered with Accrisoft - makers of Freedom CMS - for many years. We consider it our top-notch solution for client-managed websites. One of their most powerful assets, hands-down, is the Email Marketing module. The email game has evolved over the years, but drastic changes have come within the past few months. Our friends over at Accrisoft recently published a very timely piece called, "Email Marketing Best Practices." This extensive guide provides valuable insight for any email marketer; the most important topic surrounding around email deliverability. This is more pressing now than ever before. Steps must be taken in order to maintain a healthy list, which strengthens the chance a user will receive your email and ultimately interact with your content. After all, isn't that the point?

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