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10 Best YMCA websites of 2019

Posted by: Callie Gooch - 01/29/2020

As we kick off the year 2020, we decided to look back at 2019 and curate a list of the 10 best YMCA websites.

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Why Aren't My Program Pages Ranking on Google Like They Used To?

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 06/18/2019
Why Aren't My Program Pages Ranking on Google Like They Used To?
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SEO Tip #7 The Most Important SEO Tip

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 05/21/2019
SEO Tips - A Free Bonus Tip
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SEO Tip #6 How to Tell Google You Plan to be in Business for a Long Time!

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 05/14/2019
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SEO Tip #5 Yes, Reviews Impact Your SEO Results!

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 05/7/2019
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SEO Tip Number 4 - How Does Your Business Look Across the Web?

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 04/30/2019
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SEO Tip #3:Your Website Needs to Load Fast!

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 04/23/2019

Google has published a clear indicator that website load time is important to rank towards to the top of search results.

"Six months after announcing it, Google rolled out the mobile page speed update, making page speed a ranking factor for mobile results." 
Mobile Speed Update  —  July 9, 2018

Since Google knows that consumers are continuing to access the internet in increasing numbers on smartphones, the speed of page loads appear to be a major indicator of how to rank well in search results. 

Did you know?

An extra 1 second delay in page load leads to an 11% decrease in page views. 

This Is Where Google Analytics Can Help!

One of the over looked features in Google Analytics is under the Behavior Menu Tab. This is where you find Site Speed/Page Timings and Speed Suggestions. 

Page Timings

Within Page Timings you will see individual pages and the time they take to load relative to the other pages on your site.

In the example below, you will see a bar graph. The pages listed in red (right of the center line) are loading slower than the rest of the website. In fact, Line 9 takes more than four times as long to load as the average page.

Speed Suggestions

If you click on the next menu item - Speed Suggestions - you will see that Google has 7 suggestions for improving the load time for this page.

The most common reason for a slow loading page?

Large images that need to be compressed. Good news to those with a Thrive ySite... our CMS automatically resizes images for you! That means not just the dimensions of the image, but the file size too. No more accidentally putting 2MB+ size images on your website again!

You can not only select from the pre-determined sizes: large, medium, small, or thumbnail but you can also use the image handles in the editor to resize to the exact unique size you want.


Need Help With SEO or a New YMCA Website?

We'd be happy to do an audit specifically for you & your YMCA's website. 

Please fill out this form today and we will be in touch 
or call Jeff now: 419.776.7000 x214




Next week: How Google Audits your business information 
& how it can effect SEO results.

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SEO Tip #1 Why your YMCA needs an SSL Certificate

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 04/12/2019
SEO Tip #1 of 6
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Does Advertising Work? Yes, But Only Once

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 03/14/2017

Does advertising work?

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"Sales" Is A Dirty, Filthy Word?

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 12/7/2016

Words do matter.

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