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Want More Engagement On Your Facebook Page?

Posted by Brittany Norton on Thu, Dec 05, 2013 @ 03:05 PM

Facebook engagementKeeping a constant stream of enegagement on your Facebook page can be a painful process and very frustrating. Don't just post content in hopes that someone will comment or start a dialog for you. Don't be the boring brand with the boring Facebook pages. Here are 10 things you could be doing to encourage more interaction on your page while still informing your customers. 

1. Use photos. 

People are much more receptive to images with text than just plain text posts. Images will also take up more space in their newsfeed, which brings more attention to them. Grab their attention with great photos and they will venture to your page and see what else you have to engage them. 

2. Ask questions.

People like giving their opinion or answering a question they know the answer to. Especially if it is a question about your products or helping you make a company decision, the followers will feel like they participated in something within the company - you are giving their opinion worth. 

3. Use humor.

Be funny. No one likes the boring guy in the corner. Or the not-so-exciting brand that people avoid like the plague. Funny things and humor are memorable. If you make them laugh, they will remember you. 

4. Show a "behind the scenes" look at your company.

Show how their favorite products are made. Take a few snapshots of products being made, strategy meetings, sneak peeks to different future events. It helps enhance your credibility and show that you want your followers involved in every step of your success. 

5. Use your fan's content.

If they post a photo or an idea that you like, praise them on your page. Repost it and use it to your advantage. 

6. Love your followers

Reward them for being loyal to your company. Whether it be a coupon, free items etc. Offer them an "exclusive" opportunity since they are your fans - it will make them feel special and keep coming back. If they love you enough back, they will even praise you to their friends, encouraging them to "like" you as well. 
7. Have fun.
Show that you have a fun, relatable side. Your fans want to know that you are human too and understand their concerns, wants and needs. 
8. Be persistent and consistent.
If someone has liked your Facebook page, they are interested in what you have to say. They want to know more about you. Give them what they want. Post great, interesting content that you know they will want to see. 
9. Keep your posts simple.
Don't post a paragraph of text and expect your followers to read the entire thing. They won't. They won't even "like" it to pretend that they read it. 
10. Stay specific.
Don't jump around with content on different products, events, items etc. in one post. Try making a schedule of each day of the week is dedicated to something. For example, Trivia Tuesday, Throwback Thursday, Funky Friday, Something New Saturday (Ok, so some of those are pretty lame, but you get what I mean). Give them something to look forward to that will drive them back to your page. 
Keeping interaction on a Facebook page is a daily struggle but with the right content, the struggle should not be as difficult. 

Topics: Thrive Internet Marketing, Facebook posts, Facebook pages, photos, Facebook, header photos


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