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Q&A With Thrive

Posted by Ian Hartten on Tue, May 08, 2012 @ 01:05 PM
Every week I receive several emails from clients with great business questions. I will compile a few questions and post them each week, hopefully answering some of your questions as well.

Client Question:

Any special tips for improving Yelp reviews? I have a client who has great reviews on other sites but not on Yelp. Any suggestions? We are working to improve our inbound marketing.


My Answer: I suggest that you send out a survey (I can send you samples) and ask people to rate the company or service from 1-10. People that rate 9-10 LOVE your product or service and will write you a review. The strategy has to be to learn from bad reviews, fix the problem and then flood the review site with real and positive reviews... I have been doing this for a while and it works quickly if you have an email list you can send the survey to. Hope that helps.

Here is an example of a survey:

Surveys are a great way to find out how people feel about your company and the way you are conducting business with prospects. The review you receive will give you the insight you need to adjust your business strategy and cater to your customers.

Any other suggestions, comments or other questions that you may have are welcome. Email me anytime

Topics: inbound marketing, Q&A, Thrive Internet Marketing, reviews


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