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5 Types of Facebook Fans

Posted by Brittany Norton on Wed, Sep 18, 2013 @ 09:37 AM
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Did you know there are different types of Facebook fans? The same message can't always be targeted correctly to all the fans or members of your audience like you want it to. 

Facebook can be a difficult place to engage your followers, but if you give them great content they will stay. Read through the 5 Types of Facebook Fans to see how you can keep each group engaged without posting several different messages.

Types of Facebook Fans:

1. Potential Customers

A potential customer is someone who has seen information about you and wants to know more. They have liked your page, browsed through your posts and photos. Now what?

How to encourage engagement:

They are like a sitting duck. Just waiting for you to jump. Offer them something. Show the potential customer your best product. Be friendly but informative. Let the customer know that if they ever have a problem you will do what you can to fix it, and you will give them offers they can't resist and cater to their interests. 

2. Friends or employees

Your employees are one of your biggest assets. They should be promoting your brand from their personal pages without you asking - especially if they are backing you 100%. Employees are an extension of your brand. They could also be dangerous. Friends or employees can help increase your following but also may not increase your engagement activity. 

How to encourage engagement:

Keep posting as much fresh content as possible. Try to engage the new likes with content they may be interested in. Don't stray too far from your daily message from the brand but keep the posts interesting. Engagement starts with interesting, creative posts. The followers will come. 

3. Contest players

Fans only come around when there is a promotion going on, a free giveaway, a coupon or the possibility to being recognized for making or naming something. These fans are "jumpers." Or as many fondly say they "jump on the bandwagon." Now don't completely count these people out. Contest players could benefit you in many ways. They might share the contest, encourage friends to LIKE your page because they could participate in the contest too...the list could go on. 

How to encourage engagement:

Ask contest players to share the contest information if they haven't already. With each post, ask players to come up with their creative name, liking the post - whatever the contest rules may be. Also, if they are sharing relevant information on your wall - praise them. Everyone loves to recognized. 

4. Happy Campers

The fans who are brand loyal and are so excited to share their love for your products with others. Happy camper fans are the best type to have. They promote your brand and products without you asking. 

How to encourage engagement:

Praise them for their constant support and engagement with your content. This means they probably LIKE your content on a regular basis, they share your posts and products with friends and they flood their own pages by tagging your brand in their posts. 

5. Fair Weather Friends

These fans are usually fond of your brand or products but don't feel the need to share, promote or engage with your page. Fair Weather Fans are what our boss Ian Hartten calls, "low hanging fruit." They are obviously interested in your brand. They have liked the page. It even sparks them to make a comment on a post or two - but they are not completely sold on the brand. These fans might like a few products but just don't LOVE you. Make them LOVE you not just LIKE you. 

How to encourage engagement:

Make sure you are addressing any concerns that fans may write on your posts or wall. Be as transparent as possible. If you are showing concern and delivering the truth - more customers and fans will have trust in your brand. As negative as some of the comments may be, offering to help or giving them an incentive will show them you care about all of your fans and not just the loyal ones who help promote you. 


Now that you know there are different types of Facebook fans...what are you going to do? Revamp your page? Start posting every hour? NO. Please please please don't do that. Reassess your daily activity on the page. What are the messages you are posting? Are your pictures great to look at? Come up with a contest idea - engage your current followers and attempt to bring more to the page. Give them something - and promote a new product or enlighten them about an existing one. Be creative and make them go from liking you to LOVING you.

Topics: Thrive Internet Marketing, Facebook posts, promoted posts, Facebook, content, contests


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