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What are the best apps for content marketers?

Posted by Brittany Norton on Wed, Jun 26, 2013 @ 10:41 AM

964386 designerHave you ever had an idea come to you while you're out and about, but you have nowhere to write it down and you think somehow you will remember it in a few hours once you have paper and a pen? If you have a smartphone or tablet that you carry with you at all times, we might have a few options that will help you remember those ideas.

Producing content for your clients can happen anywhere, at any time. Do you have the right tools to help you accomplish that? Here are six content writing and management apps that you can use on your iPad or iPhone at any time to jot down ideas, finish documents on the go or browse old notes for inspiration. 


Six apps to help content marketers: 

Statigram - gives great insights and analytics for Instagram. Statigram can also be used for contests on Instagram. Easy, cheap and ready to use. What could be better? 

Dropbox - Need somewhere to store all your files and keep them organized? Dropbox is your tool. Gives you the ability to share documents and files with others and stores them in a cloud system. 

Hootsuite - Hopefully everyone knows Hootsuite by now. If not, it gives you the option of posting to any social media platform immediately or schedule posts out for several weeks at a time.  

Evernote - the best place to store all your meeting notes, reminders and pictures. Evernote can store just about anything and backs up all your files into a cloud system. Perfect for any on-the-go thoughts that you might need to jot down. 

GoDocs - edit your Google docs right from your iPhone or iPad. (not a Google-licensed app)

iA Writer - This app lets you write your first draft without the constant interruption of a spell check. Providing the bare necessities to write, this app gives you one cool feature - a read time counter. The app will let you know how long it would take someone to read your content. There is also an option to sync your docs to Dropbox. 

iThoughts - If you have a constant stream of thoughts that run through your head at all times. iThoughts might be a solution for you. It will map all your ideas out and connect them in way your brain might not be able to!


Are there any apps that you use for content writing, management and ideas? 

Topics: Thrive Internet Marketing, Social Media, content, Apps,


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