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Y Mobile and Why It Matters

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 11/26/2015
“The very best marketing comes from observing consumer behavior and inserting your message into their behavior.”

Recently I reviewed the Google analytics for 22 YMCA web sites to identify consumer traffic trends for 2014.  Research from eMarketer indicates that consumers continue to move their web access device of choice to mobile (smartphones and tablets).  “ Combining online and mobile devices, however, eMarketer expects US adults to spend 5 hours 46 minutes with digital media daily this year, increasing digital’s lead over television to well over 1 hour per day.  That increase is almost exclusively attributable to mobile .

I wanted to see the impact, if any, on the traffic to YMCA websites. Many businesses are now reporting that more than 50% of their site traffic is coming from mobile devices.  It makes sense, smartphones have outsold computers since the 4th quarter of 2011 .  

These analytics covered 2.1 million web sessions from January 1st to November 23rd, 2014.  

We Are Going Mobile

  • During the first six months of 2014, mobile traffic represented 46.2% of all traffic to these YMCA websites.
  • From July 1st to November 23rd, mobile traffic represented 49.4% of all traffic, an increase of 7%.  Clearly consumers are increasing their use of mobile devices to access YMCA websites.
  • Seven of the 22 web sites already generate more than 50% of their traffic from mobile devices.
  • Based on current trends, it appears that mobile traffic will account for more than 50% of all YMCA traffic by the end of the first quarter of 2015.
Does It Matter?

What does this change in traffic mean to the “average” YMCA, if anything? This analysis includes a cross section of YMCA sites: 14 traditional web sites and 8 responsive design (mobile friendly) websites.

Mobile traffic for responsive design websites increasingly represents a larger portion of total site traffic.  Mobile traffic in responsive design sites is 46.7% of all traffic versus 45.8% of non-responsive sites. When consumers have a more engaging experience, they will visit more often and stay longer.

This may be a small difference, but the real difference comes from looking at the variances in bounce rates.

Bounce Rates
January - June
July - November 23rd

Clearly the bounce rates are lower for responsive design sites. Responsive (mobile friendly) design leads visitors more easily to the content they are seeking.  

Your website is your digital storefront and for many member prospects it is their first impression of your organization.  Upgrading your website to responsive design (or at least offering a mobile site) is no longer an option. Consumer behavior now dictates it.
To learn how to convert your YMCA site to mobile responsive, contact your digital partners at Thrive.

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Groupon And The Future Of Review Sites

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

Reviews have always been extremely important to business owners and consumers alike. For business owners, they are a reflection of their customer service, their passion and their product. In the eyes of the consumer, it is a tell tale of whether or not its worth spending money on. 

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Ad Preferences On Facebook

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015


How do you feel about ads served to you on Facebook?

Facebook is using the apps you have on your Android or iPhone and websites you view to show you relevant ads according to your preferences and interests. Creepy or genius? Have you noticed that when you view something on a website, contemplate the purchase and move from that site to another - and suddenly that purchase you almost made is in an ad on Facebook? This happens in the Google Display Network as well, but Facebook has taken on the same approach.

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What Google Ads Work Best For Your Business?

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

New Additions To Google Ads

Google Adwords provides several different kinds of ads. With the internet ever changing and the way in which businesses reach their target audiences, we as marketers need to change the way we promote products and services. Google has started to push those different methods into their AdWords accounts. 

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Facebook "Buy" Button - Yay or Nay?

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

Should There Be A"Buy" Button? 

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New Twitter Ads Dashboard - Do So Much More With Twitter Ads!

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

Twitter Ads?

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Changes You Should Know About Facebook Ads

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

It seems like Facebook will be changing the way the right hand column ads look. The ads take up more real estate now and are much easier to read. Before, the image used for the right hand column ads was small and sometimes difficult to recognize. 

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Team Thrive: Meet Matt Taylor

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

Thrive is pleased to announce another strong addition to the team. Matt Taylor brings extensive design experience including logo work, wall murals, illustration and t-shirt design.

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Facebook Ads: Promoting Your Website

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

Want to promote your website on Facebook? Facebook is now providing the option to promote your website, off your business page. There are small sections available on your business page to connect ads to your ads manager without having to log in and set them up. Much like the functionality of promoted posts, Facebook can promote your website from a simple click of a button and you can start to design your ad. 

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Saying Farewell To Gwen Betts!

Posted by: Ian Hartten - 11/26/2015

Today we send a BIG thanks to Gwen Betts for giving us her cheer, talents and friendship for 5 great years. We love you and wish you much luck and success in Boston! 

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