Want to promote your website on Facebook? Facebook is now providing the option to promote your website, off your business page. There are small sections available on your business page to connect ads to your ads manager without having to log in and set them up. Much like the functionality of promoted posts, Facebook can promote your website from a simple click of a button and you can start to design your ad.
Facebook also recently changed the way that they set up ads. Each "objective" needs to have ads according to that goal. You cannot combine a "likes" ad in with a clicks to website ad. Facebook has improved their ads and the way the reports function, but they still have a long way to go before anyone can label the process easy. If the notification pops up on your Facebook page, after you have clicked the Activity tab at the top left hand corner, you will be prompted to create your ad. All the options that you have when you are logged into your ads manager, are available in the pop up.
The preview for the ad shows up and you can choose the following:
- Location
- Interests (which may or may not be beneficial because not all Facebook users fill out their interests sections of their profiles)
- Schedule - pick a start and end date
- Age range
- Text
- URL for the landing page
The only part about this ad pop up I do not like, is the preview does not show the mobile, news feed and right hand column view. Well maybe I should correct myself. It shows the news feed and mobile views but does not specify what they are like the ads manager does. I also do not like the interests automatically filled in for the ad. Many people don't fill out the interests sectio of their profile, let alone want to be tracked by an ad based off of those interests. Seems to me, Facebook is stretching a little too much with the interests part, but I have always felt that way about the ads. To me, on Facebook at least, interests should not be used because I so rarely see any of my friends with their interests filled out. I do however, understand that Facebook automatically fills in your interests based off of what you have "liked" in terms of pages. If this is where they are taking the ads to, as a Facebook user - I do not want to be served up ads in this way. For us marketers? This is fantastic. I think the interests section is going to be an ongoing love/hate relationship.
I like that it is quick and easy to set up and ad from a specific page. It is a very different approach of running ads and this means less steps to get to the creation of those ads. This also means more ads will be popping up in people's newsfeeds because of the ease and quickness the pop up provides.
Oh the places you will go Facebook! What is next?
Do you think there will be an overkill of ads created now that they are so easily accessed from Facebook business pages?