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Brittany Norton

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NEW! Facebook Page Layouts!

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

Welp, Facebook - you've done it yet again. Seems to be a reoccuring thought around here. Facebook has changed the layouts of business pages. Layouts will change for everyone's pages on March 28th. You, as a page admin, can choose to use the layout just for your own viewing or change it over for all your fans to see; once Facebook converts your page over of course.

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Everything You Need To Know About Facebook Paper

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

What is the big hype about Facebook paper? Facebook announced their launch of 'Facebook Paper' late last month; bringing you the newspaper in a Facebook format. It is one thing that the newsfeed has been redesigned several times throughout 2013...but Facebook Paper takes the newsfeed feature to a whole new level. This will change the way that marketers reach their followers and keep their attention. Could this be the direction that Facebook is going for their newest app - moving from their current, traditional layout?

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Dear Facebook, You Just Made My Day!

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

Dearest Facebook,

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Trending Newsfeed: Newest Feature on Facebook

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

Have you seen the latest addition to your newsfeed on Facebook? There is now a "Trending" feed on the right hand side of your main newsfeed when first logging into Facebook.

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Help Your YMCA Campaign Succeed With Social Media

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

Where is the best place to start for your next YMCA membership campaign? Twitter and Facebook. Use your social media platforms to your advantage. Not only should you push your campaign on your Facebook and Twitter pages (tweeting and posting about the offer, new classes available, child care programs etc.) but you should try setting aside a small budget to use towards ads on both Facebook and Twitter. 

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10 Ways To Increase Your YMCA Membership in 2014

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015
Many YMCA's struggle to come up with campaigns that will drive members to their locations. Using social media can greatly help your campaign's success and drive more members to your Y. How can you do this will social media? Here are 10 ways to jump start that process:

1. Cover Photo

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Instagram Introduces Direct Messaging

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

Instagram introduced direct messaging recently. How does it work? Instagram has added an extra icon to the top right corner of your news feed page. If you tap that icon, an inbox will drop down, revealing the messages you have received from friends. To send a photo or video to a specific person, click the camera button and attach the media you'd like the same way you would upload one to your own account. 

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Want More Engagement On Your Facebook Page?

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

Keeping a constant stream of enegagement on your Facebook page can be a painful process and very frustrating. Don't just post content in hopes that someone will comment or start a dialog for you. Don't be the boring brand with the boring Facebook pages. Here are 10 things you could be doing to encourage more interaction on your page while still informing your customers. 

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What Makes A Photo On Instagram 'Loveable'?

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

Have you ever wondered what makes people want to like a photo you posted on your Instagram account? Is it the content of the photo? Is it the colors? Maybe it is the quality of the photo versus just a random photo you had taken from your camera roll and posted? 

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Facebook Ad Changes You Need To Know

Posted by: Brittany Norton - 11/26/2015

Have you seen the new changes to Facebook ads? The layout for ads has drastically changed and the process you take to make one is...different. 

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