Have you seen the latest addition to your newsfeed on Facebook? There is now a "Trending" feed on the right hand side of your main newsfeed when first logging into Facebook.
The most popular stories on Facebook will appear in this box, and you can view all of the top 10 stories. When clicking on one of the stories, let's click on the Grady Sizemore story.....
All of the stories that are related to Grady Sizemore signing with the Red Sox pull into one newsfeed. Every Facebook page and article trending across all Facebook pages are available in one little area. Pretty nifty huh?
Facebook pulls in all other stories and posts related to that story you chose. How could this new newsfeed benefit you? The Trending Newsfeed is a great way to compile all the "popular" news stories and allow a space for people to find them and share on their walls and with others. Could this be taking viral to the next level?
According to Facebook, the Trending Newsfeed isn't available to everyone right now, but will eventually be a feature all Facebook users will see on their own newsfeeds.