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Instagram Introduces Direct Messaging

Posted by Brittany Norton on Thu, Dec 19, 2013 @ 10:40 AM

instagramInstagram introduced direct messaging recently. How does it work? Instagram has added an extra icon to the top right corner of your news feed page. If you tap that icon, an inbox will drop down, revealing the messages you have received from friends. To send a photo or video to a specific person, click the camera button and attach the media you'd like the same way you would upload one to your own account. 

To send to specific people "At the top of the share screen, you’ll see the option to share with your followers (“Followers”) or to send to specific people (“Direct”). To send using Direct, tap the names of the people you want to send your photo or video to, write your caption, tap “send” and you’re done." (Instagram Blog)

Once those messages are sent, you can see who has viewed those images or videos and the conversation that will unfold. 


Was this a good move for Instagram? Is it becoming too much like Facebook? 

Topics: Thrive Internet Marketing, Social Media, photos, content, Instagram


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