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What Makes A Photo On Instagram 'Loveable'?

Posted by Brittany Norton on Mon, Dec 02, 2013 @ 03:47 PM

InstagramHave you ever wondered what makes people want to like a photo you posted on your Instagram account? Is it the content of the photo? Is it the colors? Maybe it is the quality of the photo versus just a random photo you had taken from your camera roll and posted? 

We have some answers...well information to back up some ideas. Curalate did a review of over 8 million photos on Instagram and came up with some answers to our "loveable photos" questions. According to Curalate, bright images drive about 24% the likes on an image compared to a darker image. If you want to compare colors, a prodominantly blue photo will bring in 24% more traffic than a prodominately red photo. 

Backgrounds on photos also seem to matter. An image with a colored or textured background will have 29% more likes than a photo that does not have a background. Images with multiple colors will not have as many likes as one with just one prodominate color. 

duck faceDon't worry, we didn't leave out our beloved duck-faced selfies. Duck-face photos have 1,112 percent MORE LIKES than a traditional photo. Any photo, with a duck-face selfie...whether it is you and your friends or truly a selfie...of well, yourself.... it will perform better than a traditional photo. Weird, huh? 

What have we learned? Post photos with bright, colorful images. Use a photo with a background, not a boring white one. Textured photos are more eye pleasing than a smooth, simple image. Keep people interested in your photos and they will be "liking" them all day long. 

To see the full infographic, click here

Topics: Thrive Internet Marketing, Social Media, photos, content, Instagram


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