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Can Your YMCA Really Be Found on The Web?

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 06/28/2016

Of course my YMCA can be found. How hard can it be? 

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Who is Your Competition at The Y? Part Three

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 03/8/2016

In previous posts we looked at how to identify your competition and how basic SEO works. Now let's review how SEM works. As discussed, your best path to market is to utilize both SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) in your marketing strategy because there are two ways consumers use Google Search.

Some always click on the 'Free" "Organic" listings and some only click on the top listings which are paid ads.

Let's see how the term "swimming lessons" can be used to drive more traffic to your YMCA website and help fast track new members.


If you review the above results, you will see a three different types of listings for businesses offering swim lessons.

Advertisements across the top and down the right side. Pay to play!

Local Listings. If you are not currently showing up in the local listings for keywords that are central to your business, visit and make sure Google has your current business information. Note that simply filling out this information will not automatically get your business listed, but it is a good start. In a future posting we will talk about how to leverage your business account to improve your SEO rankings.

Free / Organic. The listings below the Ads and Local Listings that are determined by the Google algorithm.

If you are the YMCA and rely on the Local Listing "Fort Meigs YMCA Center For Health Promotion", you are going to loose site traffic to the paid ads. The first ad is the one on the top of the results page from (US Masters Swimming). Down the right rail of the results page you also see a number of ads from companies like, ABC Aquatics Center and Swim Outlet.

Why are these companies paying to appear in the search results? Because they know the value of getting a sales prospect to their web page and the revenue associated with that sales prospect. We have already shown the lifetime value of a YMCA member is approximately $4,700. Each of these businesses has determined the value of a new member to their business and believe the cost of acquiring a prospect is worth cost of running the ad on Google search.

What does it cost to buy an ad on Google?

If no one clicks on your ad, it costs you nothing. Try that approach with your newspaper, TV, radio station or the direct mail vendor.

With Google Search (Pay Per Click, SEM) you are bidding on specific keywords and phrases against other businesses that are bidding on the same keywords and phrases. You are submitting a bid amount based on what you feel a customer is worth and based on what you feel other companies are bidding on the same keyword or phrase - in this case "swimming lessons". 


In a traditonal auction, the highest bid wins. But with Google, very little is traditional. While the highest bid may win the top placement, this is not always the case. Since Google only gets paid if a visitor clicks on an advertisement and they process billions of searches per day, Google understands that the bid price is not as important as getting someone to click on as ad. 

Let's say I bid $5 on "Swimming Lessons" and you bid $4. I win! Not so fast...

My ad says "Swim Lessons!". Your ad says "Learn how to get free swim lessons". More than likely, your ad is going to get more clicks than mine. So I get 3 clicks out of 10 (3 x $5= $15) and your ad gets 7 clicks out of 10 (7 x $4 = $28), Google will move your ad to the top because it sees that they get more revenue over time from your lower bid price than my higher bid price.

So now you see the importance of writing great ads. But Google also factors in whether or not it beleives that your landing page linked to the ad is going to answer the searcher's questions and solve their problem. So Google also scores your landing page for relevance. Why? 

I see the loop hole... I only get charged if my ad is clicked on... So I have the ability to rack up millions of branding impressions at no cost if only I....  "I bid $50 on Nike Shoes!" becasue I know this term has 1.3 million searches per month.


Look at all the free branding I will receive! No one will click on my ad linking to a page about swimming lessons. You are correct. Google will look at your landing page (swimming lessons) and determine that "swimming lessons" will not solve the searchers problem of needing new Nike Shoes. So they will reject your ad. Sorry. 

So SEM (Search, Pay Per Click) is a great way to build quick traffic to your website, while all your SEO strategy slowly improves your SERP results. Or, as we beleive, there is room in your marketing strategy to leverage both of these programs, allowing you to reach two different audiences for your products and services.

Are you still confused? Want to know more about these programs and how they can help your business? Give us a call, 419-776-7000, or shoot me an email Thrive loves Digital Marketing.

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Who Is Your Competition at The Y? Part Two

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 03/1/2016

SEO. Search Engine Optimization.  

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How to Improve Your YMCA Google Search Results for Free

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 11/26/2015

"The very best marketing comess from observing consumer behavior and inserting your message into their behavior."

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If Your Website Isn't Mobile Friendly, Google Will Punish You

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 11/26/2015


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How to Properly Execute a Google Campaign

Posted by: Ian Hartten - 11/26/2015

Google AdWords and Analytics can be incredibly beneficial tools when used properly. When creating a campaign in Google AdWords there are three options: Search & Display, Display Network Only and Search Network Only. Once a network is chosen there are a series of settings to go through such as setting a CPC (Cost per click) and a daily budget. Display ads can reach a considerable amount of people and a landing page can be attached for a prospect to click and land on. 

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Top Keyword Searches Prospective YMCA Members Are Looking For

Posted by: Ian Hartten - 11/26/2015

Here is a quick post about keyword searches and how beneficial they will be for your website. Keyword searches allow easier access to your site by prospective members.

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What Is Remarketing?

Posted by: Ian Hartten - 11/26/2015

Have you ever been on Zappos looking at a pair of shoes, and mysteriously the next day you see an ad for the exact same pair on CNN. You think to yourself, “Hey - what a coincidence, I was just looking at those shoes on Zappos yesterday”. Then an hour later you see a banner ad for the exact same pair of shoes on Mens Health Magazine? It is no coincidence, you have been remarketed, the news advertising crazy via Google.

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Google is the YMCA's Best Salesperson - and it's free!

Posted by: James Harsh - 11/26/2015

Is your YMCA’s traditional marketing to build membership not as successful as it used to be? Why? Your new members are savvy online researchers. In fact they are Google search experts now. Google search has given them the ability to research instantly where they are going to be spending their money on workout memberships. It’s time to follow their eyes to the Internet and be sure that your YMCA can be found easily inside Google and other search engines.

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Get More Out Of Your Website

Posted by: Ian Hartten - 11/26/2015

How can SEO help you get more out of your website? Simple: landing pages. SEO is search engine optimization - which you can achieve just from including keywords and phrases that people are going to search on a daily basis. This is one great way to use SEO in order to draw in more traffic to your website. By using keywords in your title and the content on the landing page, you can draw more traffic and rank higher on search engines as well. 

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