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Top Keyword Searches Prospective YMCA Members Are Looking For

Posted by Ian Hartten on Fri, Jan 11, 2013 @ 02:10 PM

Here is a quick post about keyword searches and how beneficial they will be for your website. Keyword searches allow easier access to your site by prospective members.


When prospective members are searching for gyms in their area, you want your website to show up with their search. Here are the top 10 keyword searches that prospects are typing into Google search boxes:


gyms in (your city)

work out facilities in (your city)

(your city) gyms

(your city) workout facilities

workout places in (your city)

places to work out

workout facilities

gyms to work out in (your city)

gyms near (your city)

fitness gyms in (your city)


This list is great to look at but you need to make sure that some of these phrases are incorporated into your content on various pages - including your membership page. Keyword searches are going to help your website rank higher on Google when prospective members are looking for gyms and work out facilities. You could even create a landing page with a free guest pass sign up to let prospects come in and see the facility, try out the equipment and learn about membership fees. On the landing page, be sure to use some of these keywords. Do not just put the words anywhere - make sure they fit with the rest of your copy. 


If you need assistance with building landing pages or learn more about SEO consult a Thrive expert, 419-776-7000

Topics: Thrive Internet Marketing, YMCAs, Social Media, Google, SEO


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