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How to Properly Execute a Google Campaign

Posted by Ian Hartten on Tue, Feb 05, 2013 @ 03:18 PM

Google AdWords and Analytics can be incredibly beneficial tools when used properly. When creating a campaign in Google AdWords there are three options: Search & Display, Display Network Only and Search Network Only. Once a network is chosen there are a series of settings to go through such as setting a CPC (Cost per click) and a daily budget. Display ads can reach a considerable amount of people and a landing page can be attached for a prospect to click and land on. 

In addition to Display ads, keywords are always a smart campaign to run. Even if it means splitting your budget in half to accommodate a keyword campaign - the amount of traffic and business the words will bring in, will pay off. When entering keywords, do not put in every possible word or phrase that you can think of - there might only be one or two people that will search some of those words. Spending money on words that might only get a click or two is not worth leaving on. 

Populating SEO throughout your website will help with keyword searching aside from Google campaigns. With the combination of organic SEO and a keyword Google campaign - your site will explode with traffic and form fill outs. Consulting on a Google campaign would be beneficial, especially if it is the first time you are running a campaign. With so many settings for a campaign, setting one up for the first time is always best to do through an agency or an expert who can help you with the ins and outs of setting one up.  

When keyword campaigns are set up, the keywords you are running will show up in a yellow box a the top of the Google search box once they are searched for. If the words are found more than once on your site, and you campaign is running really well, your site will show up twice on the first search page. 

The image below shows the top two related matches to "martini glasses". If we wanted Swank Martini to rank in that orange/yellow box - we would run ads and keyword campaigns to rank at the top. To land on the first page of searches would also benefit from a Google campaign.  

martini glasses   Google Search

Here is an example of "martini glasses" search for the first page results:

martini glasses   Google Search 1

It is a little difficult to see but Swank Martini is ranked as number 9 out of the first 10 searches on the first page. To accomplish a better search result, a Google keywords campaign would help Swank Martini rank in a better spot on the page. 

For example, here at Thrive we run Google campaigns for clients on a consistent basis. To set up access, create a campaign, upload and approve display ads and create keyword campaigns - a campaign can take a chunk of time to get just right. We are in constant contact with a representative at Google who assists with our campaign creations. Google campaigns and remarketing have become an important tool for us when helping clients improve their website traffic. 

For help or consultation on how to set up a Google campaign and pricing, contact Thrive Internet Marketing 419-776-7000. We would be happy to assist you in your campaign and make it the best campaign possible. 

Topics: keyword search, Thrive Internet Marketing, Google, Google campaigns, Remarketing, SEO, websites


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