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YMCA Digital Best Pratices: Income Based Membership Rates Table

Posted by Jeff Davis on Tue, Apr 12, 2016 @ 10:30 AM


That title is a mouth full. 

Does your YMCA offer membership rates based on a prospect's income? Do you need help easily showing your member prospects how this would help them? Thrive has built a new, free online tool that will allow you to display your income based membership rates to member prospects. The graphic below will show you one of the display options available, but the rates displayed are just sample rates. You control the actual information. If you want to see how the calculations are dynamic, Click here to see for yourself!

ysite-membership-rates-01.jpgAs you know by now, the majority of site traffic to the local YMCA site is now generated from mobile devices, so we have made sure that the Membership Rate Tables are mobile friendly.


If you have been reading our Spring posts, you will notice that Thrive has been busy all winter adding an impressive array of new, revenue based tools to the ySite program, designed solely to help the local YMCA generate new members and new revenue.



If you are an existing Thrive client and are interested in adding this free, new tool, give us a call (419-776-7000) and we will work with you to get it installed on your ySite.

If you are not a current Thrive client, click the Tell Me icon below and we will contact you to see if we can install this tool on your website.

Tell Me More About Income Based Membership Rates

Other Revenue Tools available on a ySite: The Silent Salesman, Countdown Timer, Alert Bars, yBox, Scholarship Calculator, Membership Survey, Drip Emails, 404 Error Pages that work, yVite and SEO baked Landing Pages.

Tell Me More About the New Revenue Tools on ySites



Topics: YMCA, membership, Income Based Membership Rates


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