I was having a discussion today with an individual who wanted to know the secret to improving SEO results. I guided them to a recent article Thrive published, SEO in 6 Easy Steps, but I should have pointed them to this image I found on Google.
SEO is hard work and while "we" think we know today's secret to great results, "the Truth" is that there are only a few people at Google that know "the Truth" and they are not talking. The rest of us are just guessing. Educated guessing, but it is still a guess.
One thing I have learned during my own journey in the world of SEO is that it is hard work. A couple of things I do know:
- Google is smart. As soon as you think you know their secrets, they change the rules. "Mutability is life's sole constant."
- Stop writing for SEO and Google and start writing for your clients and customers.
If we spent as much time writing for our clients and customers as we do chasing today's SEO secrets, we would not need the secrets to SEO.
As a consumer, I believe that Google wants to solve my problem. I must have a problem because I am on their website looking for answers. Show Google that you have the answer. Start by thinking like an individual who has a problem and then write the answer to their problem on your website.
Also make sure your site is mobile friendly, loads fast, has all the correct information on inbound and outbound links, is completely https:// secure, has a LOT of reviews and buy your domain name for at least five years. And use the primary "keyword or phrase" at least five times on the page. Don't forget to add alt tags to your images. Update your content every week...
Like I said, SEO is a lot of work.
If you want to talk about SEO, call Thrive at 419-776-7000. Ask for Ian. I am worn out.