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Who Is Your Competition At the Y? Part One

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 02/23/2016

"The giant sucking sound you hear is competitors siphoning off your YMCA members."

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Good News! Your Business Only Has Three Types of Customers

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 02/16/2016

Good news. Your business (indeed all businesses) only has three types of customers.

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The Secret to Enrolling New members at Your Y

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 02/9/2016

Poor sales are not always a marketing or advertising problem. Sometimes the secret to increasing sales is to use a secret shopper to see if your operation is running as smoothly as you really think it is..

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The Law of Familiarity Part Three

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 02/2/2016

Earlier we learned that The Law of Familiarity means that people have to be familiar with your business (brand) before they are inclined to do business with you.

We also learned that the Law of Familiarity works best when your business (brand) is seen as the safe choice. "McDonalds versus Bar 145". And it works best when given time to work. Remember the CD you bought for a single song.

The last lesson teaches us that the Law of Familiarity leads to action

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The Law of Familiarity - Part Two

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 01/26/2016

In the previous post, we reviewed how The Law of Familiarity means you want to be positioned as the safe choice.

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The Law of Familiarity - Part One

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 01/19/2016

The Law of Familiarity teaches us that the first step in securing a new customer is that your brand must be familiar to them. The  more familiar you are, the more likely they will give you a chance to do business with them.

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The First Step to Solving Any Problem Is...

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 01/12/2016

The first step to solving any problem is to assign blame.

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In 2016 I Vow to...

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 02/17/2016

Do what I have always tried to do...  

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YMCA Websites - Still Going Mobile!

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 01/27/2016

Pouring through the Google Analytics to identify website traffic trends from 2015 for the YMCA family...

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Our Very Best Ideas for Marketing During the Holidays

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 01/27/2016

There are a lot ways to attack the holidays with your marketing message. Here are a three suggestions for our YMCA partners. But anyone can use them...

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