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Facebook Offers Ads Designed to Capture Sales Leads

Posted by Jeff Davis on Thu, Sep 01, 2016 @ 09:30 AM

OK, it has only been 6 days but the early results are very encouraging.

Recently Facebook launched a new type of ad. It is solely designed to capture sales leads for companies. If the consumer likes what they see in the ad they fill in their name, phone number and email address and hit the submit button.  


As you can see we are running ads for our client Tony Packo's and their catering service. Now late August isn't the "hot" season for catering, but we are still getting submissions almost everyday.

As I have stated before, I love the targeting parameters that Facebook offers. So in this campaign we can target individuals and companies that do not normally engage with this client. In this case we target within a 25 mile radius of Toledo, OH and focus our ads on individuals interested in catering, foodservice, mobile catering and Small & Medium companies.

Over the coming months, we will expand our targeting and track sales volumes against the costs of the campaign. Initially, these ads are only available in CPM. Boo! We have grown to love the Cost Per Click model. But so far the results are very encouraging. Look for updates as we move into the holiday catering season. 

if you would like to hear more about this new Facebook program, fill out the form below, or call us at 419-776-7000 or email me at!

Contact Thrive 


Topics: digital advertising, Facebook, Sales Leads


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