What are Google Grants? The Google Grant program is when businesses who are considered "charities" can have the opportunity to receive AdWords money from Google for advertising. The direct definition from Google is as follows:
- To be eligible for the Google Ad Grants program, organizations must:
- Hold current and valid charity status, as determined by your country; please see your country’s charity status definition below.
- Acknowledge and agree to the application's required certifications regarding nondiscrimination and donation receipt and use.
- Have a functioning website with substantial content
- Please note that the following organizations are not eligible for Google Ad Grants:
- Governmental entities and organizations
- Hospitals and medical groups
- Schools, childcare centres, academic institutions and universities (philanthropic arms of educational organisations are eligible).
(See the full eligibility requirements on Google Grants)
When an applicant is approved for Google Grants, they become a Google Adword Grantee. What does this program offer the grantee? Here is a short list of what the program allows:
- A maximum monthly spend of $10,000 in Google AdWords
- A maximum CPC of $2.00 per keyword
- Only running keyword-targeted campaigns
- AdWords will only appear on Google.com
- Text ads are the only ads allowed to be run
Calls-to-action are not allowed in text ads. When writing the text ads, grantees need to be sure that all ads have the intent to inform rather than sell. Ads such as "Donate today!" are not allowed in the Google Grant program. Keywords must also be generic. For example, words such as "buy" or "shop" would not be keywords or phrases that are acceptable in the program.
Find out if your organization is eligible for Google Grant status.