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Thrive Attends Inbound 2013

Posted by Brittany Norton on Wed, Aug 21, 2013 @ 02:18 PM

As many of you know we are at the Hubspot conference this year, brushing up on our inbound marketing skills, finding the latest and the newest cutting edge marketing strategies and IMG 2746bettering ourselves to better you and your brands. What have we learned so far? Well, sleep is a must. Trying to conceptualize the newest marketing solutions, grab coffee before all the other cranky marketers drink it all AND grab a decent seat to see the PowerPoint screen, is difficult without at least 6 hours of sleep. Coffee is a must. Wake up early and get your coffee - otherwise you are out of luck. Twitter is the place to be when looking for quotes and statements done by the speaker that you weren't fast enough to write down. You will be retweeted at least 5-7x throughout the day. Wearing your badge outside of the conference will bring you new friends very quickly. Seriously.

We have heard talks from Arianna Huffington, Brian Solis, Seth Godin, Nate Silver and so many more. Their main points? Empower yourself. Listen to your customers. Don't just talk - you need to listen. Does that always happen with marketers? Nope. Do we try? Maybe. Are the cutting edge, brilliant companies doing it? Obviously. Should you be one of them? Absolutely.

Anyone telling you that social media doesn't change the face of how you manage your brand is living in a cave.  Social media is where you are able to listen to your audience and where your true marketing plan begins. But not only do you need social media to enhance your marketing plan, you need great content as well. Be creative. Be the first to do something. You don't have to put yourself on the map necessarily but you need to draw attention to the great things you are doing.

How well are you marketing your brand? Are you using a well rounded marketing plan? Learn to stay ahead of the curve. All the marketers in the sandbox will be jealous and follow your lead.


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