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Why Use LinkedIn?

Posted by Ian Hartten on Tue, May 28, 2013 @ 12:57 PM

What is LinkedIn? If you are in business - listen up! LinkedIn is a professional networking site that allows, updates, resumes, portfolios, job postings and business pages.

So What is LinkedIn? You should have a personal account on LinkedIn. It is a great way to be recognized by your own company, display your resume and skills while networking and connecting with individuals you might have met recently in business. Not only is LinkedIn a professional networking site but you can also apply for jobs that you see posted. On your account it allows you to add a portfolio, update your resume, post "updates", change your profile picture etc. There are groups for every industry where you can create a discussion, submit thoughts and so much more. 

There is the ability to generate ads on LinkedIn. If you are looking for another way to drive traffic to your site, consider creating LinkedIn ads. 

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LinkedIn provides you with a network of professionals to connect with, interact on group pages, and a job market unlike any other online. Why use it? Because you have access to thousands of professionals who are willing to connect, help and interact with you. It is a great platform to get your business' name out in the open and do some recruiting when you are looking to hire.

All in all, LinkedIn is a great place to go when looking to interact with other professionals, post job openings, promote your company page, update your own profile or participate in groups in your industry.


What are your thoughts on LinkedIn? 

Topics: Thrive Internet Marketing, Social Media, LinkedIn, Online community


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