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Is Google+ Worth It To Businesses?

Posted by Ian Hartten on Tue, May 21, 2013 @ 04:33 PM

It seems to be that Google+ pages are becoming more important to businesses. Since the creation of Google+, the number of business pages has grown and there seems to be more businesses gravitating towards the new social hub. Some social media experts made comments early on that Google was "trying too hard to be like Facebook" and wanting to trump the social media giant with a new wave of socializing. Today, Google+ is a great way for people to find your business via Google Places AND another SEO result! 

How do I use my Google+ account once it is started? Let’s establish the pros of having a Google+ account and why it is worth it businesses - then walk you through the uses of the page. The pros of Google+:

  • SEO! SEO! SEO! - when someone does a search for your company, one of the first options to appear will be your Google+ page once you have claimed it. Yet another organic search result for your business
  • Social media involvement - everyone's clients, customers and potential customers are all over the web. Everyone has an account on some new social media site and you want to reach all of those people. Spreading yourself too thin is a bad idea when it comes to social media but making sure that you maintain pages on social media sites that are popular can bring you tons of leads. Make sure you create a strong audience on any social media platform you participate in.
  • Google is the search giant of internet and constantly updating your webpages will bring you a higher spot when it comes to searches. Social media sites are great when it comes to search. Make sure that your bio and 'About Us' section is filled out - another search result could end in your favor.

Now that you know about the pros of using Google+, claim your page and get started. Once your Google+ page is set up, recommendations can be made about your business. Social extensions can be added such as Google’s +1 button which tallies the social interactions with your brand for your website, ads and Google+ page. By linking the Google+ page to your AdWords account, people will see more of your customers' recommendations across Google by linking your Google+ page  with your AdWords campaigns.

The +1 button is available to be added to your site via Google. There is an option to customize the button size and the HTML code is provided. What are the benefits of a +1 button? The button encourages people to share, like and engage with your content whether it be on your blog or website.

Once your Google+ page has information, postings and photos on it, these resources could populate on the right hand side when a search is completed. If your business

Badge types are available for visitors on your site you easily view your Google+ page, join your circle or direct connect for Google+.


How did you find out about Google+? Were you reluctant to join?


Everything Google+ that you need to know for your business is here.

Topics: Thrive Internet Marketing, Social Media, Google, Online community, content, Google campaigns, online searches


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