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Are you tracking the right metrics in Google Analytics?

Posted by Brittany Norton on Wed, Mar 06, 2013 @ 12:12 PM

Are you currently using Google Analytics? If so, then this article will help you determine which numbers you should be looking at. Analytics provides a great deal of information that can help you improve your site, social platforms and overall reach to your customers. Success can not always be measured by numbers, sales and visits but Analytics can get you as close to your definition of success as possible. 

If you are unfamiliar with Google Analytics, I suggest you read up on Google's Learn page. The best way to understand Google Analytics is to get your hands dirty and dive right in. What are the best metrics to track on Analytics? There are so many tools to use that it may be hard to determine which are the best. Most of these tools will have to be used after a month's time to truly get an accurate report on your site.

We have a list of the top 5 metrics you should be tracking in Google Analytics:

1. Bounce rate

What is a bounce rate? Bounce rate is the percentage of visits that only go to one page on your site before exiting. To keep your bounce rate down, there are several ways to accomplish this but one that I suggest is make sure your calls to action are on point. If you want them to fill out a form or to buy your product - make sure that information is easily accesible to them. Just because you might have great content doesn't mean that a customer will remain on your site. 

Assisting your customers in finding content will keep them on your site. Often times the reasons why a bounce rate might be so high is because the customer doesn't see an incentive to stay on the site or they can't find what they are looking for, so they leave. Make sure your calls to action are visible and available. Need help creating a great call to action? Read through How To Create Irresistable Calls To Action

2. Conversion

Conversions are when a customer fills out a form and it turns into a sale. Conversions on Google Analytics are the best way to track how well your calls to action are doing from time to time. Once you get into the conversions, set goals for how many fill outs and the URL could be anything from a "Thank You" page or a redirected page after filling out a form. 

3. Traffic Sources

This will help you understand exactly how your visitors are finding you. You can sort them out by browser, keyword or social source. There are plenty of other ways to see where the visitors are coming from so play around with the tool a little and see where the majority of your visitors are coming from and then focus on those areas that have really low numbers of traffic. 

If a large concentration of your traffic is coming from one specific source then you may need to ramp up your social media push and make sure that your content is great across all platforms that you use. 

4. Percentage of new visits

If the percentage of new visits is high - that is a good sign, right? Not necessarily. If the new visits percentage is higher than the returning visitors percentage, something needs to change. If the new visitor percentage is decently high, it does mean that your site is doing a great job of getting potential customers' attention. 

The best scenario would be that returning visits are commenting, sharing information from your site, buying or participating in products and contests etc. New visits are great after a campaign push but if the number is higher than the returning several weeks afterwards....then find a way to even the numbers out. 

5. Social Reports

Under the traffic sources there is a social metric. The number of impressions will help you see the amount of traffic your social platforms are getting and how well you are reaching your customers or potential ones.

To see how the process works to find social reports, read this blog article on how to get those statistics you want for your social platforms. 

Using Google Analytics might be one of the best strategic moves you can make as a brand. When you are armed with statistics, you can really see how your customers are interacting with your site and find ways to turn them from a visitor to a customer. Don't use the statistics to get an aggressive "salesy" push on your site but start to plan smart. What I mean by this is be smart about how you market your product to your customer. Make them want and need the product without shoving it in their face. 


[Originally seen on and modified from ]

Topics: Thrive Internet Marketing, Google, Online community, Remarketing, online searches


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