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How Many Facebook Pages Should a YMCA Have?

Posted by Ian Hartten on Tue, Mar 26, 2013 @ 03:21 PM

We recently had a YMCA ask about how many Facebook pages they should have if they have more than one branch. We have a simple answer to this question. 

If your YMCA location has one or two branches, then one Facebook page will suffice. If you have several locations, for example you might have one main location with a branch or two that does not hold many events or activities - it would be ok to have one Facebook page to manage all activities, updates and announcements. If you are a much larger YMCA location with several branches (4 or more) then create a Facebook page for each branch. Maintaining a Facebook page for a YMCA can be a difficult task, especially starting out on Facebook or even around busier times such as summer camp sign up and membership promotions. Larger YMCA locations will need a page for each branch so there is no confusion of dates, times, events etc. 

Just be sure that all the information, photos and videos posted are for the correct pages and engage your followers! 

Topics: Thrive Internet Marketing, YMCAs, Facebook posts, Facebook, Online community


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