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Best Days to Post on Facebook Based on Industry

Posted by Brittany Norton on Wed, Jan 09, 2013 @ 03:16 PM

Facebook is known to be a "daily addiction" - where people check up on news, their favorite brands, check in with friends & family etc. It is hard to tell when people will come back to check on their favorite brand pages. always delivers when it comes to insights on social media - and where I get a great deal of my information to back my thoughts and posts. Experts are now saying that when it comes to social media - posts aren't just decided on one specific day, they are now based on time frames. For instance, this article on, The best days to post to Facebook, based on industry, talks about which times frame of days is best for a specific industry, such as General Retail. The best days to post for brands that fall under the General Retail category are Mondays. Posts throughout the workweek are recommended but the best time to catch a shopper is on Mondays. 

Compare this information to Healthy & Beauty brands, where Sundays AND Mondays are the highest interaction days. These days are the best to post on Facebook in order to hit between 11% and 12% above the average daily interaction rate. Another example would be for Non Profits. Their targeted days are the weekends, Friday-Sunday. These days are the least utilized because they are not included in the workweek therefore, many non profits are probably losing interaction with their audience. 

Before looking to Facebook for thousands of likes, and "liking" other brands, do the research. Make sure you know where your audiences are going. When it comes to posting, any ol' post is not going to do. There needs to be more thought put into the post. What days are my audience going to be on Facebook the most? Where will they be looking? What do they want to know about my brand? Why are they coming to Facebook for informationg about my brand? All of these questions should go through your mind before you dive into posting on a daily basis with Facebook.

Now this post is not to say that you should NOT be posting daily - because in reality you should be. Post daily. Post relevant information. You will begin to catch the attention of your audience without trying too hard and chasing them away. 

Check out the article above to see other industries and what their best days for posting are!

Topics: Thrive Internet Marketing, Facebook posts, Social Media, Facebook, Online community,


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