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How Are You Going to Stay On Top of Social Media in 2013?

Posted by Brittany Norton on Tue, Nov 27, 2012 @ 02:03 PM

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Our in house social media gal, Emily Rippe, is assisting with my blog post today and together, we have come up with some tips on how to be "Social Media Ready" for 2013. When I asked Emily what she felt were the best tips to give brands on social media going into 2013, this is what she said, "You're not the only brand on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Instagram anymore (nor were you ever). The rise of brands on social networking sites is more than ever before, and an important thought to have in the back of your mind for 2013 is how to distinguish your business from all the others. Maybe you've been doing this all along, but it's time to step up your game."

After some collaboration, we came up with a few tips on what your brand should be doing going into 2013. Social media is constantly changing and you don't want to be left behind, do you? 

Here are a few tips on how to stay in the loop for social media in 2013:

Pay attention to blogging - especially blogs that correlate to your industry. Listen to what people are saying. It doesn't hurt to participate in blogs either. 

Perfect your email marketing. Don't blast your customers with emails but become an expert at drip email campaigns. (Need help with drip email campaigns? Read our whitepaper on how to create the best drip email campaign.)

Become a content generating machine. Creating content is an important aspect of your online presence - some of the first items a customer will see about your brand. Sending out just any ol' piece isn't going to get you brownie points with your audience. Content that is relevant to them will make a lasting impression and keep them coming back for more.

"Make your social media channels welcoming and provide incentives for fans to keep visiting (particularly with Facebook, since your non-promoted posts are reaching only a fraction of your fanbase). If fans and followers are not growing as rapidly as you'd like, try a different approach with paid ads or a new contest." - Emily Rippe

Plan out a social media strategy. Go into the new year with a plan - not a selling point. You want your customers to know that you have a solution to their problem and you aren't going to sell your way into their pocket books. If you are able to provide a solution there will be no need to sell your products and services. 

Read up on your industry and the markets you are targeting. The more you read the better understanding you will have of your customer's needs. Look at social media, blogs and industry related sites at least 3-4x a week. This is will help you stay on the ball and not miss a single detail. 

"Finally, ask yourself what your industry is missing out on in the social media world. If your competitors aren't on Google Plus, for example, maybe your company can be the first to tap into a new market of potential customers." - Emily Rippe 

If you put action into at least a few of these pointers, you will be well equipped to take on social media in 2013. 

Topics: Pinterest, Thrive Internet Marketing, Social Media, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram


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