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3 Facebook Features You Didn't Know About

Posted by Ian Hartten on Thu, Nov 01, 2012 @ 02:09 PM

facebook   Google SearchFacebook pages have a few unknown features that you might want to look into in order to maximize your page. Since the forced change of Timeline for all pages and accounts, some of the major features have been changed. Many of these changes have happened without user knowledge so here are a few tips. 

Enhance your page by:

1. Highlighting fan posts.

You can click on the specific fan post on the right hand side, click on the X and select "highlight post". This is a great way to create posting diversity on your wall so other fans can see the appreciation your page has received. 

2. Edit links.

Have you ever posted a link and wanted to change the description that Facebook pulls up? Well you can! Once you have entered the URL into the post, allow the thumbnail and description to load. Once it is loaded, double click on the headline or the description and change whatever you would like. There is not always the option to change the thumbnail but sometimes the URL may have several options that you can scroll through and choose the best image.

3. Reposition photos

Facebook has specific measurements for photos that are posted on a Facebook wall - which means sometimes your photo will be cropped once posted. You can change which parts of the post are visible on the post before someone decides to click on it.

Go to the post that you wish to reposition and click on the pencil icon at the top right of the post. Then use your mouse to reposition the photo to how you would like it to be viewed. It might not create a significant change but if viewers can see the important parts of the image, that is all that matters!

These changes are minimal and not top priority but they will help maximize your Facebook page and diversify your content. 


For more Timeline feature changes check out our other blog post: -Facebook Timeline Essentials  

Topics: Thrive Internet Marketing, Facebook posts, Facebook, content, Timeline features


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