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5 Social Media Mistakes To Stay Away From

Posted by Ian Hartten on Fri, Oct 26, 2012 @ 12:15 PM

5socialmedia banner textSocial media can be a tricky animal if you don't know all the rules of marketing your brand correctly. If you want people to know specific information about your brand, social media is the best path to go. Each platform has a different direction when it comes to delivering the content to the users but regardless, that information is important! 

Here are five social media marketing mistakes:

1. Not using the right social media platforms.

Are you using the right ones? Sure there is Facebook and Twitter but are you on any others? Pinterest and Instagram have grown exponentially in the past year. Pinterest is more of a customer inspiration platform and very influential. Go to and type your brand's name into the search box. If pins and boards show up relating to your brand - you should be on Pinterest with your own account. Instagram is the youngest member of the social media family but a powerful one. There are several brands jumping on the Instagram  - if you have the time, check it out.

Check out: Pinterest for Business

Visual Content - It's Everywhere

2. Having the wrong person manage your accounts.

If you have other people managing the social media accounts for your brand, be sure they understand each platform. This means managing the reputation of the brand online, the standards that pertain to each platform and the voice of the brand.  All three of these points are important for someone to pay attention to when it comes to social media. 

Check out:  Crisis Reputation Management - Do You Have It?

3. Consistency.

With social media and any reputation management online - consistency is key. It is not a good idea to post a few Facebook or Twitter posts one week and then not post for another week or so. Set up a publishing schedule and only post relevant information involving your brand. 

Check out:  What is the best day of the week?

4. Negative content about your brand's competitors. 

When posting information on any social media account you may have, do not post negative information about your competition. If you post something that might "bash" another brand, it will reflect badly on you. Instead of posting negative information, post something positive you have seen them do. 

Check out: Creating edge over your competition

5. Ignoring comments or negative feedback from followers.

DO NOT IGNORE POSTS. If you leave a comment or negative feedback post unanswered, your followers will get the impression that you don't care and are not willing to pay attention to your own page. If you have time to post information, you should have time to review the accounts for comments, questions or concerns. 

Check out: How to handle negative comments on Facebook and Twitter

For each of these points, please read our in depth explanations for each mistake to avoid! 

Topics: Pinterest, Thrive Internet Marketing, Social Media, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram


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