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Tweet, Update and Blog: What is the best day of the week?

Posted by Ian Hartten on Tue, Jul 03, 2012 @ 03:30 PM

Untitled 2What is the best day to tweet, update your Facebook page, post a blog (if you are only posting once a week) or post within any of your social media mediums? The short answer is: Tuesday.

Why Tuesday? Tuesday is the second day of the work week - for instance - Monday is the "catch up" day. People browse through their emails, set up meetings for the week and finish any work left over from the week before. Tuesday is the day that people start branching out and looking through their social media platforms, check their blogs or search online for news. From Tuesday on, according to a report by YesMail, engagement grows until Saturday. By posting on Tuesday, you have a better chance of catching people throughout the week than posting later in the week. The later in the week you post, the more likely your post will get lost in the newsfeed and never reach your audience.  

In the report from YesMail, Friday is the best day for engagement, but let's say you post on Friday. the engagement numbers on Saturday drop significantly, and even lower on sunday. Your content will be lost by Monday or Tuesday when people are back in the office - possibly looking for the information you originally posted. 

The reach the largest amount of people possible with your posts, use Tuesday as your "Update Day" - across all mediums. The interaction with your followers and customers will continue to grow until Friday before they take their minds off your business for the next few days. Social media is flooded with so many updates and information that it is hard enough for customers to search through that content to find what interests them. Get your information out on the day with the most opportunity and then keep them hooked. You'll thank us later when your "likes", retweets and comments come pouring in. Or thanking YesMail for that matter. 

Click here to view's article on this report and have access to download the report yourself. If you have the chance, scroll through the report - YesMail provides a great deal of information about engagement and what the best times and days are to get the interaction with your customers that you want.  


Topics: Thrive Internet Marketing, Facebook posts, Social Media, Facebook, Twitter


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