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5 New Facebook Changes You NEED To Know About

Posted by Brittany Norton on Mon, Jun 18, 2012 @ 01:29 PM

Tony Packo s 2Facebook has changed the layout of pages several times in the past year. Recently Facebook changed the settings on fan pages, with 5 new features. You can now post a promoted post on your wall, assign admin roles, schedule future posts, new insight features and the "Like" button has been redesigned to become more mobile friendly. Promoted posts are the latest buzz when it comes to Facebook - and causing some issues. You will be able to create a post and promote it for a small amount and see how many more people it reaches. With new changes to the admin section, admins should be able to efficiently manage the page and creators of the page can control how much admins have access to. 

It seems to be inevitable with Facebook, always advancing some features to stay ahead. The changes they have made might affect how your content is reaching your followers. After reading our whitepaper, it all comes down to one question - to promote or not to promote? 

Look for our whitepaper on the full details of these changes, how they work and how you can use them on your own brand page. Once you read our whitepaper on how these features are working, share your thoughts! 


Topics: Thrive Internet Marketing, Facebook posts, Social Media, Facebook, Timeline features


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