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Summer YMCA Facebook Posts

Posted by Ian Hartten on Tue, Jun 12, 2012 @ 02:09 PM

describe the imageHere are a few Facebook post ideas for YMCAs! Increasing membership and keeping members interested in a Facebook page can be challenging. Post interesting, relative content to keep members coming back for all their YMCA updates. Create interaction with your members on your Facebook page with some of these great post ideas: 

  • Summer is the time for fun! Need some craft ideas for your kids? Here are some great crafts to keep your kids occupied all summer long.
  • What is your favorite summer workout?
  • Need something to do on a rainy day? Stop into your local Y and spend some quality “me” time at the gym! You’ll feel energized and refreshed when you leave! 
  • Summer is here and so is the heat! Come take a dip in one of our pools this weekend!
  • Healthy Living starts at home. What do you do to keep your family healthy?
  • Not sure if the Y is for you? Register for a guest pass and see what the Y is all about. You can also request a “Tour Day” to see what the facility has to offer. Come on in and check it out!
  • Backyard fun ideas: freeze tag, frisbee, kickball, and soccer. Kids love playing outside where their imaginations can run wild. TAG YOU’RE IT!
  • Need some recipe ideas for lunch or dinner this week? has some great ideas! Check it out!
  • Family night is a great way to spend a little quality time with your family and have some fun! What do you do on your family night? Board games? Movie night? Share your ideas!
  • Healthy Living Tip of the Week: Here are some great snack ideas: cherry tomatoes, celery sticks stuffed with peanut butter or cottage cheese, baby carrots with ranch, grapes or yogurt. Healthy snacks will give your kids the energy they need!

Topics: summer, Thrive Internet Marketing, YMCAs, Facebook posts, Social Media, membership, Facebook


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