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Make Business "Pin"teresting

Posted by Ian Hartten on Mon, Jun 04, 2012 @ 10:44 AM

pinterest   Google SearchPinterest is the newest social networking site to hit the internet. Pinterest allows users to "pin" their "interests" to boards that are centered around a theme. For example, let's say you are planning on redoing a room in your house. There is a list of interests that Pinterest has, where the pins are already organized in a newsfeed form. If you have the patience to scroll through the pins, and you click on the "Home Decor" link, then you will find a variety of different "For the Home" decor. There are pins for every decorating taste.

Many of the pins are originally added to the site from blogs, websites etc. Despite how it may seem, Pinterest isn't a "selling" site. Users pin items anywhere from kids craft ideas, crafts for the home to DIY projects, women's apparel and travel. Pinterest is meant for people to share their ideas, products and tips on a wide scale. Another feature of Pinterest is there is a search box in the top left of the page. You can search for anything that you want and if there are pins related to that topic, they will show up on the results page. 

Lowe's successfully put themselves on the Pinterest map with their boards and by adding the Pinterest app to their Facebook page. Go to Lowe's page and explore their boards a little,

Lowe's did exactly what large businesses should do with their Pinterest accounts. They labeled their boards according to what would appeal to their customers and then pinned interesting ideas to each. The brilliant part about their Pinterest page is that each board draws the customer back to Lowe's - each project will require materials that can be found in Lowe's stores. Brilliantly planned and an even smarter social media business move.

If large businesses are smart, they will follow in Lowe's footsteps by creating an account and build boards around their customer's needs. If you haven’t already checked to see what Pinterest is all about, then you should! 

Topics: Pinterest, Thrive Internet Marketing, Social Media, Facebook


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