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Building Social Media Communities

Posted by Ian Hartten on Fri, Mar 30, 2012 @ 04:17 PM
Prospects are like fish - they move towards the best deals or highest rated company for a product or service they need. Fish, on the other hand, move towards the best looking food and shiny things - the hook. With this idea in mind, treat your prospects like customers not fish. Don’t dangle “shiny things” in front of them and then pull it away. Give them a deal they can’t resist and hopefully they will bite. Once they trust you they will continue to come back. Once they come back, you’ve baited your hook. All of this can be done on a well maintained social media community.

What is a social media community? Hopefully Social Media Communities have a universal understanding with everyone who ventures online. These Social Media Communities are virtual shared spaces such as Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and Twitter. The space within the community allows customers to express their concerns with the company and communicate with others as well as the company. It is essential that your company engages themselves on those communities as much as possible. Trust is build in online communities such as Facebook and Twitter. Address all concerns and do not discard negative comments. Those comments and concerns can be your “hook” to provide them with a better service.

There are three things that you should be doing to effectively communicate with your community: create, connect, engage. These are important elements to a successful community in social media today. Your social community needs to connect with your prospects and from there the possibilities online are endless. With a social community online you will have access to all the positive and negative comments as well as concerns about your company. Forming a Social Community of like-minded people is a great way to promote your own brand while nurturing a long lasting relationship with your prospects.

Help your business stand out by using social media communities to your advantage. To learn how to successfully build a social media community and gain online trust from your customers and prospects. Download Thrive’s Building Social Media Communities whitepaper now!

Topics: Thrive Internet Marketing, Social Media, Building Social Media Communities


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