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Best Practices For Facebook Posting

Posted by Jeff Davis on Fri, Mar 10, 2017 @ 11:05 AM

One of the services offered at Thrive is "Social Media Management". We manage the Facebook accounts for a number of businesses. If you would like to hear more, feel free to give us a call at 419-776-7000.

But we also get a lot on inquiries wanting to know "what are some of the best practices" that you use to build an engaging, successful Facebook account? 

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 Here are our three top picks.

  • Post, with pictures three times per week. If people have taken the time to follow you, reward them with what they expect - fresh content and photos.Screen Shot 2017-03-10 at 9.54.45 AM.png
  • Answer every post. If someone takes the time to attempt to engage you (positive or negative) be a good host and reply. "Thanks for bring that to our attention, Jeff. I never thought of it in those terms before..." One of the most powerful elements of Facebook (and other social media programs) is that it is a marvelous listening post. How many times have you wondered what your customers might think? Screen Shot 2017-03-10 at 9.48.27 AM-1.png
  • Ask questions. As marketers, we are accustom to pushing messages out (advertising) and complaining when the ads don't work. Facebook is a great way to ask your core consumers what they think. Screen Shot 2017-03-10 at 9.52.19 AM.png

There are plenty of other ideas we will share in the month's to come, but cover the basics to create an engaging Facebook account.

Post + Answers + Questions = Success!

Topics: Facebook posts, Facebook


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