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Jeff Davis

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Consumer Behavior - Computer and Mobile Device Usage

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 11/26/2015

"The very best marketing comes from observing consumer behavior and inserting your message into their behavior."

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Y You Need A Responsive Website - Not An App

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 11/26/2015
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Average Open Rates For Email

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 11/26/2015

Email marketing will remain a significant portion of our digital marketing plans for the foreseeable future.  The reason – it works and is readily accepted by many consumers. 

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Email - What Days Have the Highest Open Rate?

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 11/26/2015
If you follow the link to the  Marketing Charts article, at the bottom is the following:

Open and Click Rates by Day of the Week

There was less variance when sorting by day of the week (these results not limited to US accounts), although some patterns were apparent. During H1 (first half of the year), email open rates were lowest on Sunday (8.5%), Saturday (9.4%) and Thursday (9.4%), while during H2 (second half of the year), Saturday (6.1%) clearly had the lowest open rate, followed by Sunday (9%) and Thursday (9.6%). While there seemed to be a clear trend for lower open rates during the weekend, the sluggish rates on Thursdays was a fairly curious result.

During H1,  open rates were highest on Tuesdays and Wednesdays (each at 10.7%), while during H2, they were highest on Tuesdays (10.7%) and Mondays (10.4%).

Click rates followed a different pattern. While Sundays sported generally below-average open rates, they had the highest click rate during both H1 (2.2%) and H2 (2.6%). Also of note: the next-highest click rates were reserved for Tuesdays (H1: 2.1%; H2: 2.5%), which had the highest open rates, suggesting that drawing conclusions regarding the relationship between open and click rates is a perilous endeavor.

During H1, the lowest click rate was on Monday (1.5%), while during H2, Saturday had the lowest average click rate (1.3%).
Questions about how to improve your email performance?  Give us a call at (419) 776-7000 or send me an email
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Goodbye Menu Navigation

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 11/26/2015

"Ok, grab a clean sheet of paper and let's write down everything we want in our new demo website."

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Interview With a Vampire - Actually a Digital Marketer

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 11/26/2015

Recently, I was asked to participate in an online interview conducted by Deepak Kanakaraju and published on  Here is part of that interview...  


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Turning Mirrors Into Windows

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 11/26/2015

comScore reported in June that 60 percent of all online traffic now comes from mobile devices.

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Digital Advertising, The Magic Wand

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 11/26/2015

Digital Advertising, The Magic Wand

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Y Mobile and Why It Matters

Posted by: Jeff Davis - 11/26/2015
“The very best marketing comes from observing consumer behavior and inserting your message into their behavior.”

Recently I reviewed the Google analytics for 22 YMCA web sites to identify consumer traffic trends for 2014.  Research from eMarketer indicates that consumers continue to move their web access device of choice to mobile (smartphones and tablets).  “ Combining online and mobile devices, however, eMarketer expects US adults to spend 5 hours 46 minutes with digital media daily this year, increasing digital’s lead over television to well over 1 hour per day.  That increase is almost exclusively attributable to mobile .

I wanted to see the impact, if any, on the traffic to YMCA websites. Many businesses are now reporting that more than 50% of their site traffic is coming from mobile devices.  It makes sense, smartphones have outsold computers since the 4th quarter of 2011 .  

These analytics covered 2.1 million web sessions from January 1st to November 23rd, 2014.  

We Are Going Mobile

  • During the first six months of 2014, mobile traffic represented 46.2% of all traffic to these YMCA websites.
  • From July 1st to November 23rd, mobile traffic represented 49.4% of all traffic, an increase of 7%.  Clearly consumers are increasing their use of mobile devices to access YMCA websites.
  • Seven of the 22 web sites already generate more than 50% of their traffic from mobile devices.
  • Based on current trends, it appears that mobile traffic will account for more than 50% of all YMCA traffic by the end of the first quarter of 2015.
Does It Matter?

What does this change in traffic mean to the “average” YMCA, if anything? This analysis includes a cross section of YMCA sites: 14 traditional web sites and 8 responsive design (mobile friendly) websites.

Mobile traffic for responsive design websites increasingly represents a larger portion of total site traffic.  Mobile traffic in responsive design sites is 46.7% of all traffic versus 45.8% of non-responsive sites. When consumers have a more engaging experience, they will visit more often and stay longer.

This may be a small difference, but the real difference comes from looking at the variances in bounce rates.

Bounce Rates
January - June
July - November 23rd

Clearly the bounce rates are lower for responsive design sites. Responsive (mobile friendly) design leads visitors more easily to the content they are seeking.  

Your website is your digital storefront and for many member prospects it is their first impression of your organization.  Upgrading your website to responsive design (or at least offering a mobile site) is no longer an option. Consumer behavior now dictates it.
To learn how to convert your YMCA site to mobile responsive, contact your digital partners at Thrive.

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